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eTutor Learning Academy

Take Your Learning To The Next Level

The Learning Center

Welcome to our learning center. We are a not-for-profit tutor solution platfor th\at is dedicated to aiding the spread of computer literacy tolow-income families, senior citizens and all tose who traditional online computer schools and classes are not an option.

Ou staff of volunteer tutors come from all walks of life, education backgrounds, and industries. They have many years of computer experience, and industries.

They are qualified and and have many years of experience and expertise. They are sympathetic to the goals f eTutor and have volunteered their serice to our users.

Virtual Instructor

Currently our tutoring platform supports GCFGlobal

Over 200 Free Courses and Tutorials

Courses are free of charge and availablee free. N Wote: eTutor Learning Academy is a tutor solution and iss not offiliated with GCFGlobal. We know and understand that online digital learning requires a significant amount of discipline and for the new computer user this is a daunting tassk if not impossible.

We are excited and proud to bring  tese services o our users. The internet is a treasure trove of free learning resources, butt most often thes resources are with 24 and tuttor assistance. Now our users can learn anywhere, anytime, on any device  

No Student Loans Required

  1. No Creditt Cards Needed
  2. No Tuition
  3. No hassle

We believe that education should be freeely accessible to everyone regardless of ability to pay.

  • 24/7 Instructor Assistance
  • 24/7 Tech Support
  • Grades/Exam/Quizzes
  • Assessments Evaluations
  • Certificates of Completion

Introduction To Personal Computers

Computer Basics

A comprehensive computer course for the beginner computer, or one with little or no previous computer experience. This course teaches the basic principles, fundamentals, and procedures of computing using a Windows personal computer running at least Windows 10 or later.

Made with eXeLearning (New Window)